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Sunday, September 30, 2012

TCL Interview Questions and Answers – 2

TCL script examples with sample programs
TCL Program – Check given number is odd or even in tcl
proc oddeven {n} {
if {$n%2==0} {
puts “the given $n is even” } else {
puts “the given number $n is odd” }
oddeven 24
oddeven 67
the given 24 is even
the given number 67 is odd
TCL Program – remove duplicates in the given list using tcl
set list1 “venkat gopi prashanth mahantesh krishna nagendra venkat krishna”
set l [llength $list1]
set i 0
set result “”
foreach j $list1 {
set arr($i) $j
incr i
for {set k 0} {$k<$l} {incr k} {
set n 0
for {set j [expr $k+1]} {$j<$l} {incr j} {
if {$arr($k)==$arr($j)} {
incr n }
if {$n==0} {
lappend result $arr($k)
puts $result
gopi prashanth mahantesh nagendra venkat krishna
TCL Program – Remove the list2 elements in list1 using tcl
set list1 ” venkat praveen gopi syed ravi robert  ”
set list2 “gopi ravi ”
foreach i $list2 {
set index 0
foreach j $list1 {
if { $i==$j } {
set list1 [lreplace $list1 $index $index]
incr index 1
puts $list1
venkat praveen syed robert
TCL Program – Average of given numbers using args using tcl
proc avg {args} {
set s 0
set count 0
foreach i $args {
incr count
set s [expr {$s+$i}]  }
set avg [expr {$s/$count}]
puts “count is $count and sum is $s and avg is $avg”
return $avg }
puts [avg 23 34 12 67 45]
count is 5 and sum is 181 and avg is 36


  1. Below method can also be used to remove the duplicates.
    set list1 "venkat gopi prashanth mahantesh krishna nagendra venkat krishna"

    foreach element $list1 {
    set a($element) 1
    puts $a($element)
    puts [array names a]

  2. In the tcl program (the one using lreplace): remove the list2 element from list 1

    It didn't run for me. When I looked onto the logic I found one disparity and felt like telling you.
    One correction is there:
    set list1 [lreplace $list1 $index $index]
    incr index -1

    Just this minor of the code is ok.
