C Language
1.swapping of 2 variables without 3rd variable...
2. factorial of a given number using recursion and without recursion
3. fibonacci series using recursion and without recursion
4. Check whether the number or string palindrome or not
5.matrix multification
6.size of int and char pointer
7.add,delete number from array...
8.diff.bet. c and c++
9.diff .bet. structres and unions
10.Storage classes with examples
11.call by value and call by recursion
12.sort the given string in alphabetical order; i/p----str="azfx" o/p---str="afxz";13.given 1,2,5,9,12,20 gram weigths; 1<=a<=40; if i/p: 8 o/p---"8=1+2+5";
if i/p: 4 o/p---"can not measure";
Data Structures
1.Add,Delete of nodes in single , double and circular LL
2.Binary Search,Lenear Search
3.Sorting mechanisms(quick,bubble,selection,insertion,merging,merge sort)
1.oops concepts with examples
2.virtual function program
3.Friend function program
4.Static function program
5.Functional overloading, operator overloading
6.Access specifiers(private,public,protected)
7.Template programs
9.Access Specifiers
10.Inline Function
1.Diff bet c and java
2.Diff bet c++ and java
3.java features
5.Access specifiers
6.same object is for two classes;7.static,native,private protected;
8.catch exceptions;
9.inner class in outer class;
10.syncronized; serializable;
11.database driver;
12.string variables;
13.array declarations;
14.interface keywords;
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