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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Testing Interview Questions - Examples

Manual Testing Interview Questions :

1.What is Regression Testing

2.Explain about SDLC and What are the different models

3.Which SDLC model you use in your project

4.What is the difference between sanity & smoke testing

5.What is Tracebility Matrix ,why we need that

6.Explain about Bug Life Cycle

7.Which defect tracking tool do you choose,What are fields you fill while raising bug

8.What is the difference between severity and priority

9.What are phases do the QA people involve in SDLC

10.What are the modules TestPlan contains

11.What is test scenario and testcase

12.Explain about ECP (Equivalence Class Partitioning)

13.Explain about BVA (Boundary Value Analysis)

14.What is the difference between Load & Performance testing

15.Explain about STLC

16.What is Test Strategy

17.What is Agile Methodology

18.What is the difference between verification and validation

19.How do you ensure all the requrements are covered

20.what does the mean of "differed" status in Bug Life Cycle


1.Write the testcases for Mobile

2.Write the testcases for Pen

3.Write the testcases for ATM

4.Write the testcases for Login Form

SQL Server Queries for Manual Test Engineers :

1.What are the different joins in sql

2.What are constraints (not null,unique,primary key,foriegn key,check,default)

3.Find the n th highest salary in a table

4.Explain about DDL,DML commands

5.Explain about views with syntax

6.Explain about procedures syntax

7.Write syntax for insert,update queries

8.Write query for swap 'm' and 'f' in the table

9.Write query for fetching records only having duplicates

10.By default order by <coloumnname> would display records in which order (ascending or descending)

11.What is the difference between unique key and primary key

Table is like below

ename sal

12.Display from high to low sal with number of employees count

13.Need max(sal) with number of employees

Programs for Manual Testers

1.Write factorial program

2.Swap 2 numbers without using 3rd variable

3.Write any sorting algorithm

4.Write matrix multiplication program

5.Write program for reverse string

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