Configure Selenium RC/WebDriver with Eclipse
I.Softwares Required and Installation for Eclipse , Selenium
1. Download Java JDK and Install (java download link)
2.Download Eclipse (Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers) -->zip file
3.Download Selenium Libraries
a.Selenium Server (formerly the Selenium RC Server) (Download version 2.25.0) --> .jar file
b.Language Client Version Release Date (Java 2.25.0) --> zip file
Note : For Selenium WebDriver - We need to extract this zip file And Put all the jar files in one folder
II.Configuration steps for Selenium Setup
1.Create a folder for workspace (any folder name)
2. Extract the above eclipse zip inside the <workspace> folder
3.Create a folder inside <workspace> folder called lib (any folder name).
copy the above selenium 2 library files inside <lib> folder
4. Create a new Java Project in eclipse
File->New->Java Project (Enter any project name) ->Finish
5. Add Selenium Libraries : In Eclipse
Expand the project (which we created) ->Right Click on (Java System Library) ->Build Path ->
Configure Build Path -> Add External Jars (Click) ->(Browse and Choose the selenium libraries .jar and all .zip file .jar files) ->ok
6.Configure External Jars : In Eclipse
Run ->External Tools -> External Tools Configurations ->Program (Double Click)
a.Enter any config name
b.In Location ->Browse File System ->(Give path of java.exe in your system)
Ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_30\bin\java.exe
c.In Working Directory ->Browse File System ->(Give path of selenium Lib <.jar and .zip files located>)
Ex: E:\Selenium\VenkyLib
d.In Arguments ->(give like below <can give any 4 digit port number>)
-jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -port 8888
e.Apply -> Run (It will run selenium server)
Now the Selenium Configuration is ready